Millions of Americans live with missing teeth. In fact, almost one in four people over the age of 65 has lost all of their teeth. Without them, you can’t chew, speak, or smile confidently. Dentures in our San Ramon, CA dental office are crafted by an expert denture dentist, Dr. Deol, and they will restore your smile, your self-esteem, and your health.
When it comes to determining who is a good candidate for dentures, it requires meeting with your dentist for an initial consultation. Most individuals who are missing multiple teeth or an entire arch are likely to be eligible; however, a complete examination must be done first. During this visit, Dr. Deol will consider your oral and overall health as well as your jawbone density to determine which form of treatment is right for you.
When it comes to tooth loss, you can face many unique challenges such as difficulty speaking and eating, and a lack of desire to smile. Missing teeth can do more than affect your oral health, though. It can also take a toll on your overall health and well-being if untreated for too long. Some additional problems that can arise because of tooth loss include:
A denture dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your smile to determine if you are a candidate for dentures. During this visit, our team at Oak Ridge Dental will take images of your oral structure and decide if you have enough jawbone density to adequately support a customized prosthetic.
Whether you receive a partial or full denture, dental bridge, or dental implant, it is necessary that you have no signs of decay or gum disease, as this can compromise the success of your tooth replacement.
Apart from traditional partial and full dentures, there are two additional options you can choose from when talking with your dentist about tooth replacement:
Dentures replace all of the teeth on an upper or lower arch. They can be secured with adhesive or dental implants. A partial denture only replaces some of the teeth, fitting in line with existing teeth like a piece of a puzzle. Partials are secured with hidden clasps or implants and, like dentures, can be removed for easy cleaning.
There are several steps involved when it comes to creating dentures that look natural and fit properly in your mouth. Are you curious about the process? Our team can give you a detailed explanation of how your prosthesis will be made as well as the materials that will be involved. Below is some important information about the denture creation process; we hope it gives you a more complete idea of what it will take to help you enjoy a complete smile again.
The artificial teeth attached to your denture will be designed to resemble your natural teeth. As such, they will normally be made from tooth-colored resin or porcelain. In general, many people prefer porcelain; not only does it tend to be more aesthetically pleasing, but it is durable enough to withstand the pressures of biting and chewing very well.
The base of the dentures – the part that supports the artificial teeth – can be made out of a variety of materials. Acrylic tends to be a popular choice, thanks in no small part to the way it can be personalized to match your gums. Nylon might be used instead of acrylic in specific cases.
So how are dentures made? Here is a rundown of the entire process:
Once you have received your new dentures, the next step is to start getting used to them. At first, you may notice some soreness, but this should only be temporary; eventually, your mouth will adjust. It might help to only eat soft foods for a while after you receive your dental prosthesis.
Life without all of your teeth can be difficult, but dentures can make things much easier. Many people find that personalized dentures help improve multiple aspects of their lives, from boosting confidence to improving oral health. Below, we have gone into detail about some of the advantages of getting dentures. Keep these benefits in mind when you’re trying to figure out what to do about your missing teeth.
It can be difficult to come to terms with your tooth loss. Many people with incomplete smiles are more likely to develop depression. On top of that, missing teeth may hurt your confidence and lead to social anxiety. Dentures can help put your mind at ease. You’re likely to feel much better about yourself once you no longer have any empty space in your grin making you self-conscious. And you’ll likely find that it’s easier to engage with other people socially once you’re no longer worried about missing teeth affecting your ability to eat, speak, and smile.
Even the simple task of pronouncing your words clearly can be more difficult when you don’t have a full set of teeth. Your lips and tongue need to work together to create certain sounds, meaning your ability to communicate will be limited when your smile is incomplete. But with dentures acting as your new teeth, enunciating your words properly will become much easier.
Missing teeth can significantly limit your diet. Not only does this tend to make mealtime less enjoyable, but it can also mean that you will no longer be able to eat a variety of healthy foods. It’s not uncommon for people with tooth loss to suffer from indigestion. Luckily, dentures can improve your chewing ability, allowing you to handle all kinds of foods. As a result, you will have a much easier time planning a diet that meets all of your nutritional needs so that you can keep your mouth and body healthy.
While it may seem like a lack of teeth is a big enough problem on its own, it’s important to be aware of the full impact that it can have on your oral health. When there’s empty space in your mouth, your remaining teeth will start to drift out of place, and they will likely wear down faster. But by using dentures to re-complete your grin, you can help your remaining teeth stay in their proper positions and protect them from excessive wear and tear.
Whether you’re being interviewed for a job, are meeting a customer to make a sale, or are trying to get a promotion, your ability to make an excellent first impression matters. A great smile can go a long way toward ensuring that other people see you in a favorable light when meeting you for the first time. As such, getting dentures to replace all of your missing teeth could end up helping you in a major way on your path to success.
Dentures may not be susceptible to cavities the way your natural teeth are, but that doesn’t mean you can afford to be lax when it comes to caring for your smile. You will still need to visit our office regularly so that we can make sure that your gums and any remaining teeth are still in good shape. Additionally, you need to make a point of taking excellent care of your dentures on a daily basis if you want them to last as long as possible. Below are some essential maintenance tips for denture-wearers.
After you finish a meal, you should pay a quick visit to the nearest sink to rinse off your dentures. Little bits of food may still be clinging to your prosthesis once you’re done eating, and it’s best to get rid of them before they can lead to any problems. When rinsing your dentures, make sure that the water is only lukewarm. Hot water might cause your dentures to lose their shape, meaning they will no longer fit correctly.
It’s important to get in the habit of thoroughly cleaning your dentures. It’s not a good idea to use toothpaste due to its abrasive nature; specialized denture cleansing products or unscented hand soap are usually better choices. Make sure that the toothbrush you use to clean your dentures has soft bristles.
Once you’re done with the cleaning process, rinse your dentures off thoroughly. You don’t want there to be any cleaning materials remaining on your prosthesis when the time comes to put it back in your mouth.
Dentures are designed to be durable, but it’s still possible for them to break. It’s therefore important to take precautions against accidents occurring. For one thing, when you remove your dentures, you should put a towel underneath; that way, if you happen to drop your prosthesis, it won’t fall directly onto the bathroom countertop.
Wearing your dentures 24/7 can potentially irritate your gums, and research shows that it could even put you at a higher risk for pneumonia. It’s better for your mouth to take your dentures out before you go to bed so that your gums can rest overnight. Make sure that your dentures are stored in a soaking solution so that they don’t dry out.
Does it seem like your dentures are causing gum sores? Are your artificial teeth damaged? Does it seem like your dentures are shifting around instead of staying put? All of these issues should be discussed with a dental expert as soon as possible. Call our office if you have concerns about your dentures.
All-on-4 dentures that are permanently anchored to dental implant posts can be brushed as if they were real teeth. To avoid damaging the prosthesis, be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and avoid abrasive types of toothpaste (such as those with ingredients designed to get rid of stains). Flossing is also important; if you’re having trouble cleaning the area under your dentures, you may want to think about picking up some floss threaders or a water flosser.
Dentures are among the lowest-priced forms of tooth replacement. Of course, their cost can vary depending on numerous factors, but most people do not have too much trouble fitting their prosthetic into their budget. Our team will help you explore your payment options and navigate your insurance benefits. We do not want you to worry about paying for your restored smile!
There are a few different factors that affect the total cost of dentures in San Ramon:
You might come across advertisements for “cheap” dentures. Be wary of such offers. You might end up with a prosthetic that is uncomfortable or that does not look good in your mouth.
Yes, implant dentures cost more than traditional ones. This is because they require a more complex, time-intensive treatment process. However, for most patients, they are a smart investment. They last much longer than traditional dentures, provide a stronger bite force, and do not slip around in the mouth. Also, because they rest on dental implants instead of directly on the gums, they come with a lower risk of gum sores and other issues. If you are interested in implant dentures, our team will do our best to help you manage their price.
Most dental insurance policies do cover dentures. Typically, they are considered a major restorative procedure. This means that insurance may pay for half of their price, up to the amount of the plan’s annual maximum. As an insurance-friendly practice, we will help you navigate your policy, confirm your benefits before you commit to treatment, and file all the necessary paperwork. We are even in-network with a few major insurance companies, which can help you to save even more on your prosthetic.
As your denture dentist in San Ramon, we want to help you afford your new smile. In addition to assisting you with insurance, we also accept financing. With a low-interest installment plan, you can pay for your dentures over time. Most patients qualify for financing. You might be surprised by how easy it is to fit your dentures into your budget!
Are you ready to rebuild your smile with dentures in San Ramon? Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to serving you!
Are you still wondering about dentures? If so, don’t hesitate to contact our dental office. Our friendly front desk staff is always ready to provide you with any specific information you’re curious about. However, we have also included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that we get about dentures. As a top-rated provider of dentures in San Ramon, we want to make it easy to learn more about this wonderful tooth replacement option!
We offer different types of dentures depending on your pattern of tooth loss. The only way to know which option is best for you is to visit our dental office for a consultation. Our denture expert, Dr. Deol, will carefully examine your mouth, looking for any preexisting dental issues. He will also discuss your personal goals before developing a personalized treatment plan that includes the type of dentures you’ll need. Usually, those missing multiple teeth randomly throughout their smile will be recommended partial dentures, while patients missing all or most of their teeth will need full dentures. We can also combine dental implants with dentures for a stabilized full smile replacement.
Does your denture slip and slide when eating or speaking? You can secure it with denture adhesive. However, your prosthesis may need adjusting, so it’s always a good idea to contact our dental office. Dentures rely on suction to your gums to stay in place, which is why they can cause irritation when they fit poorly. For a more permanent solution, we can use dental implants to anchor your denture to your jawbone. This treatment option is more extensive, but it provides you with the most strong, beautiful, and lifelike full smile replacement available.
Once you get dentures, there is a slight adjustment period where you must get used to eating, speaking, and smiling with your new set of teeth. Certain words may be more difficult to say than others, but this can be corrected by practicing your speech in front of a mirror. When eating, start with small bites of softer food. Cut yourself some slack because chewing may seem a bit strange at first. After a few weeks, you’ll be using your dentures without a second thought!
It’s vital that you take out your dentures every night before sleep. Soak them in soaking solution or water to shake loose food debris and plaque from your day of eating. This step also prevents your dentures from drying out, which causes them to lose their shape and even break. Your prosthesis can’t be worn during sleep because your mouth gets too dry, plus your gums need a break from the base of your dentures.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our dental office and speak with one of our friendly front desk staff members. We are always ready to help!
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