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Oak Ridge Dental Blog

Your Toothbrush Needs Cleaning Too—Here’s How It’s Done!

May 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 1:24 pm
Father and son brushing teeth together

You’ve heard it your whole life—clean your teeth! The best way to keep your smile healthy is by brushing your teeth. But did you know that your brush needs to be cleaned too? Without taking the proper steps, you could be putting your teeth in contact with bacteria that builds up over time. And, during COVID-19, sanitation takes on a whole new meaning. Thankfully, your dentist has provided some useful information on how to clean your toothbrush. Read on to learn more!


How to Keep Your Kids Healthy During Quarantine!

April 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 5:30 pm
Little girl smiling while brushing her teeth

During the spread of COVID-19, no one is having a tougher time staying happy, busy, and keeping up their routine than children. While they’re cooped up inside, they may resort to bad habits like constantly snacking, eating junk food, and forgetting to brush and floss their teeth. Thankfully, as a parent, you can help keep their smiles healthy during this uncertain time. Read on to learn some pro at-home tips for small smiles from your children’s dentist in San Ramos.


Here’s How to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month!

February 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 8:33 pm

Child smilingFebruary is National Children’s Dental Health Month—an effort to bring awareness to the importance of dentistry for kids. Getting your son or daughter into the habit of seeing their children’s dentist in San Ramos regularly can set them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. During this month of awareness, learn how you can best help your child care for their smile and why it’s important to take them for regular dental visits.


It’s 2020: Take Advantage of Your New Set of Benefits!

January 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 8:30 pm

Woman smiling outside

New year, new you, right? Well, maybe that’s up for debate. However, there is one thing that you DO get brand new with 2020: a full set of dental benefits. Each year, your dental insurance gives you benefits that resets after December 31st, whether you use them or not. Now that it’s 2020, you have a whole new set of benefits waiting to be used. Keep reading to learn some tips from your dentist in San Ramon on how you can save money and stay healthy in the new year.


What Happens if My Dental Crown is Loose?

December 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 7:12 pm

Woman with nice smileDo you have a dental crown? If so, this restoration protects and strengthens your tooth that has been previously decayed or damaged. Dental crowns in San Ramos are incredibly durable, but it is possible for them to become loose. This can startle many patients, so it’s best to know what to do if this problem occurs. Keep reading to learn why your dental crown may become unstable and the next steps you can take to ensure the safety of your smile.


Want a Whiter Smile? Avoid These Common Mistakes

September 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 2:07 pm

Beautiful smileIt’s proven that whiter teeth automatically make people appear more successful, healthy, beautiful, youthful, and trustworthy, which could be the answer to why 80% of American’s wish they had whiter teeth. With everyone trying to achieve a radiant smile, there are some common pitfalls that you should be aware of. In fact, some whitening products can hurt your smile more than help it. Keep reading to learn about the common mistakes that are made when teeth whitening in San Ramos.


Can What You Eat Affect the Whiteness of Your Smile?

August 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 6:40 pm

Nice smileEverybody loves food! No matter what kind you like, you’re probably somewhat aware of the impact that your diet can have on your body. You may already eat health-conscious items, but did you know that some of these foods can affect your smile’s appearance? In fact, there are certain foods that cause yellowing and staining, while others can actually help your smile! This is important information to know, especially if you’ve just received teeth whitening in San Ramos. Keep reading to learn the diet do’s and don’ts for white teeth.


Need Teeth Whitening in San Ramon? Here are Your Options

July 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 7:29 pm

Half white smileA bright set of teeth can be the difference-maker in your self-confidence, but if you’re like 80% of Americans, you may wish that you had a whiter smile. Because of this increasing need, you may have noticed the variety of products that you can now find at your local drugstore. However, these products may not be as safe and effective as they seem. Thankfully, your dentist offers professional teeth whitening in San Ramon to give you the smile of your dreams. Keep reading to learn more about this treatment and how you can benefit from it.


How Porcelain Veneers in San Ramon Can Erase Your Imperfections

June 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 6:58 pm

Woman with beautiful smileIf you have a smile that suffers from a variety of imperfections like permanent discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, and more, you may be overwhelmed when thinking of ways to improve it. Simple teeth whitening won’t do the trick, so what will? Thankfully, porcelain veneers in San Ramon are specifically designed to conceal a wide-range of dental flaws all at once! Keep reading to learn about this state-of-the-art cosmetic treatment and how you could benefit from it.


Why Dental Implants in San Ramon Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution

January 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdeol @ 4:25 am

An image of a dental implant.When you have compromised teeth, it diminishes the appearance of your smile, which may also affect your confidence and self-esteem. Not to mention the challenges it creates when you are trying to chew and enjoy your food. Did you know that your failing teeth also have a negative impact on your oral health? Here’s what you should know and how dental implants in San Ramon may be the solution you need to restore your smile and confidence for the new year!


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